Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Teen/Young Adult Open Mic Friday April 4

Hello Performers, Audience, and Friends.
Just a reminder that it's time again for the monthly Teen and Young Adult Open mic
upstairs at the RRCA studios, Glasstown Arts District, 22 N. High Street Millville, NJ.

Join us Friday April 4th 6-8pm
and showcase your talents or "force" your talented friends to sign up and show their stuff! We need YOU to perform your original work and what is a performance without an audience? So even if you are shy and don't want to perform, please come out and support local talent.
Poetry, Music ,Rant, Comedy, (covers in moderation please, we want to hear what YOU have to say) or any other performance worthy trick you have up your sleeve is welcome. This month we will also briefly be highlighting a new trend in open mics, Story Slam. We'll explain it and let it fly at the mic. Basically you draw a subject from a hat and you have 3 min to tell your personal story that relates to that topic. The audience awards points to the performers and most points wins. No prizes though, just prestige in this performance community of ours! This won't take up the entire evening, just a taste.
So if you want to stretch your creative muscles or get your feet wet as a first time performer, join us at the RRCA!

Don't forget about the Teen Arts Festival 1st Friday May 2
Poetry Workshop 9:30-12:00

Recorded and written examples of spoken word and slam artists
writting and perfecting original work
and a group story written to be performed the same day
Open Mic to perform the workshoped pieces 1-2pm
Flyers will be available at the open mic on April 4th or call the RRCA 856.327.4500 or me, Rita at 609.425.4642
Thanks and keep the creativity rolling!
Rita Lynn Lyman poet, performer, and host of this event.

questions, comments, suggestions
please email me with teen open mic in the subject line.

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