Tuesday, June 12, 2007


What: Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts Summer Arts Creates Excellence Camp
When: July 9 August 10
Where: 22 N. High Street in Millville's Glasstown Arts District New Jersey
Who: Ages 7-19 years old
Press Contact: Carolyne Krull 856-327-4500 or Carolyne.krull@rrca.us

Teens keep cool this summer at RRCA's ACE Camp. Where else can teens go to study painting with Liz Nicklus for a week? Only at the RRCA. Liz will be sharing many of her techniques for combining found objects in painting. Where else can teens spend a day kayaking down the Maurice River with Mike Cagno and Steve Eisenhauer? Only at the RRCA. They will be both learning about the environment and sketching it. Where else can teens spend a week at Clay College and another learning flamework at Carlisle Glass? Only at the RRCA. And there is so much more! Wire sculpture with Don Cossaboon, site-specific sculpture and art history-based projects with Kathy Gross. Creative Writing and Book Making. Make sand mandalas the way Tibetan monks have made them for centuries, the next day make a mosaic. Teens will further their experience in watercolor, pen & ink, drawing, monoprints, linocuts, pastels, and photography. And when it is all done they will design and install their own exhibition. Where else can teens study art while being surrounded by galleries filled a variety of artwork? Only at the RRCA!

The Associate Artists (13-19 years old) begin in the studio at 9am and continue until 2pm, with a break for lunch. This intensive, exploratory approach will give students the time they need to develop their skills. At the same time, RRCA teachers believe studio time should be fun and enjoyable.

For the Junior Artists and Pre-Junior Artists (7-12 years old), the day starts at 9 and continues until Noon. They will be working in all mediums, including going to Clay College for 3 days. The children have a great time making new friends and art. There is a lot of one-on-one instruction when children need it. Students love working in the gallery surrounded by artwork. And they really enjoy seeing their work on exhibition in a real gallery too!

Call 327-4500 for more information.
Carolyne Krull, Executive DirectorRiverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts22 N. High Streetin Millville's Glasstown Arts DistrictMillville, NJ 08332

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